The Advantage of a Do-It-All Builder
As a professional builder in tune with the expectations of our potential homebuyers, we take pride in recognizing current trends in residential design and construction products. We try to anticipate what our homebuyers are looking for in a new house and offer choices that fit each family's budget and lifestyle accordingly. At the same time, we insist on sustaining a high level of quality, remaining on schedule and within budgets, and adequately servicing our work and the components we use to build your new home. To achieve all these goals, we are very particular about the materials and products we recommend to our homebuyers.
Occasionally, a homebuyer may suggest something that's not within our package of standard, upgraded or optional products. Although we encourage enthusiasm and constantly look for new (and better) ideas, some of the suggested products and materials may not meet the myriad expectations both we and our homebuyers have for lasting performance and cost efficiency.
To fully understand the value of our role in offering a market-savvy selection of finishes, products, and materials for use in our new homes, consider the following questions and answers:
Q: My contract states that I need to choose certain products and finishes by a prescribed date after signing the contract. Why is it so critical to meet those deadlines?
A: Making product selections early in the construction process, often before your home is started, allows us to assure that the products will get to the job site on time and within budget. Coordination with vendors and trade contractors involves a certain amount of "lead time" (the time it takes to receive a product from a supplier or schedule an installer) to avoid paying more for a rush delivery.
Q: A contractor in my area says he'll roof my house for a lot less than what my builder quoted, but my builder advised against using him. Why?
A: As with most things in life, a lower price doesn't necessary mean a lower overall cost. We seek out the best trade partners (like roofers) and negotiate the price of their work based on a variety of considerations, such as their availability, skills, experience, and ability to meet the builder's deadline and quality standards. A low-priced roofer may arrive late, leave the job unfinished or do a poor job, thus delaying construction. Delays often result in higher overall costs and extra work. Simply put, if the roofer is unknown to you and us, that's a risk we're uncomfortable taking on your behalf.
Q: I found some great outdoor light fixtures that would be perfect for my house. Can I use them instead of the ones being offered?
A: Some builders provide their clients with allowances to purchase certain products (usually finishes, like light fixtures) on their own. Even in those cases, however, we're going to send you to the showroom of a reliable supplier we work with regularly and can trust to steer you in the right direction within your budget. An off-the-shelf or mail-order item, even a brand name, carries some risk for both builder and homebuyer, as the builder must guarantee its installation and durability without truly knowing how it will perform in your home. It may also be more difficult to install than the line of products we offer, raising costs.
Q: Why does my builder charge more for the exact same faucet I found online for less?
A: A builder's cost is more than just the price of an item. It may include the cost to ship and install it, to service it, and a nominal markup to cover overhead costs, insurance, storage, and profit. For all the products and systems in your house, we assume certain risks and costs on your behalf.
In order for us to give reliable assurances and properly service the products and features of your new home -- an expectation every homebuyer should have of any builder -- we must be allowed to control and coordinate every aspect of the construction process. While many builders, including us, offer plenty of choices, those choices are determined based on extensive market analysis and years of experience in offering the most valuable commodity of all: your peace of mind.
Warm regards,  Jim Mordeno Mordeno Construction 2603 Love Road Grand Island, NY 14072
(716) 773-5908 - Phone (716) 773-6160 - Fax
c. 2008 All rights reserved.
